We are London based artists, writers and curators working in collaboration.

Our work addresses the legacy of modernism. It explores avant-garde discourses of the twentieth century in the context of a changing landscape of creative work and instrumentalised leisure. We are interested in the relationship between art and politics, and the roles irony and belief play in its current articulation. We often use choreographed movement and ritual as both an aesthetic and a thematic dimension, juxtaposing consumer rites and religious ceremonies to find the underlying convictions of a secular, post-ideological society.

We teach fine art at the University of Reading, at the Royal College of Art and at the University of the Arts London.

We occasionally make what might be called music as UrBororo, have been known to play in the band called WE and currently participate in the production of Cat Punk as the National Rails.

Our book Subversive Performance in the Age of Human Capital (2023) is published by Palgrave Macmillan