"Systematic Humor”, in: Kasper Kovitz - The Lessons, Vienna: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2025

"In Defence of the Art Student Essay", Corridor 8, 2024

"The Pamphleteer in the Age of the Dark Enlightenment: Online Manifestos of the Alt-Right", in: Art, Politics and the Pamphleteer, London: Bloomsbury, 2020

"A Thousand Kitchen Tables", Journal of Visual Culture & HaFI, Issue 28, 2020

"A Line to the Last “K” in Kirkuk", The Immigrants, Exhibition Guide, Naughton Gallery at Queens University, Belfast, 2017

"Playing Like a Girl", Cesura//Acceso, Issue 2, 2017

"Tragic Vampire",  I Won't Do What You Tell Me, Kunst Vardo, 2017

"Tulibu dibu douchoo", in: Ronen Eidelman, Lea Mauas, Diego Rotman (eds.), *Heara – Independent Art in Jerusalem at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Jerusalem: Hearat Shulaym, 2014.

"Learning from IKEA: Flatness Unpacked", Flatness Film Program, Oberhausen Film Festival, 2013

"Against Human Nature", in: Umelec Magazine, London: Divus, The American Issue, 2012

"The Divided Stage: Splitting the Dialectics of Performance", in: The Sensible Stage Staging and the Moving Image [Bridget Crone - ed.], Bristol: Picture This with Bridget Crone / Plenty Projects, 2012

"iDeath", in: , Arc 16 The Death Issue, [Charmian Griffin - ed.], London: CWAD, Summer 2012

"In Defence of the Image: Structuralist Film and Brice Dellsperger’s Cinema of Re-enchantment", Benedictions, Issue 1: 'Ciao Peter Gidal', London, 2011

"Formatology", Yaffo 23, Bezalel, 2011

"Seth Siegelaub: Exhibitions, 2069 - Collection of paintings from the Museum of American Art in Berlin", Out of a Stone, London, 2011

"Belief", Useless Magazine, Issue 10, 2011

"In the Intersection of the Angles of a Table, There is More Truth Than in All the Tangle of Muscles: Futurism as Anti-Humanist Critique", History and Theory, Bezalel, Issue No. 19 - Future's Past:The Italian Futurism and its Influence, Jerusalem, 2011

"Flexipop", Mute, London, 2010

"Can Objects Perform?: Agency and Thingliness in Contemporary Sculpture and Installation", paper from Sculpture and Performance, a three day conference at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds and Tate Liverpool, 2010, also published as "Object Orientations" in Art Papers, Atlanta: 2009.

"Some Notes on Art and Bureaucracy: Points for Discussion of Key Areas in Parallel Sessions at the Fourteenth Artists’ Regional Meeting", Unpublished, 2009

"Real Enough for You?", Catalogue essay for Heidi Schaeffer: Old Wars New Wars, Leeds Met Gallery, 2009

"Capitalism as Cult", The Institute of Psychoplasmics, London: Pump House Gallery, 2008

"Archiving the Future: Unpacking Benjamin's Collection", Coelacanth Journal, London: The Coelacanth Press, 2008

"The Life of Objects", Basement Newspaper: Out of Place Day to Day, Amsterdam: De Kunstvlaai A.P.I., 2008

"Lines of Gray", Catalogue essay for Hannah Westwood: Lines of Gray at e-raum, Cologne, Germany, 2008

"Irony 2.0", Mute, London, 2007

"RETRO/NECRO: From Beyond the Grave of the Politics of Re-Enactment", Art Papers, Atlanta, GA, 2007

"In Praise of Yachts", The Irresistible Force, London: Tate, 2007

"The Political Theology of Battlestar Galactica", paper from BSG 2007 The Politics, Poetics and Philosophy of Battlestar Galactica, a one day conference at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, 2007

"Asparagus: A Horticultural Ballet", sleevenotes for the Asparagus: A Horticultural Ballet Live CD, 2007

"Fast and Loose: My Dead Gallery", Art Papers, Atlanta, GA, 2007

"The Spectre of Manual Labour", paper from On Liberty and Art conference at Tate Britain, 2006

"Militant Ironies: Art as a Strategic Weapon in Israel’s Culture Wars", Art Papers, Atlanta, GA, 2006

"Modern Lovers", Modern Lovers, London: 2006 (also editors)

"Girl Monster vs. Fembot", sleevenotes for Chicks on Speed present Girl Monster (a compilation featuring 60 women from punk and modern music on chicks on speed records), Berlin: Chicks on Speed Records, 2006

"Notes towards the scientific understanding of an enlightened Xenuology, concerning the recent discovery of the MARSH archives", Volcano, London: Platform, 2006

"On the Threshold of the Creative Industry", Metropolis Rise, London, 2006

"Enthusiasm", Art Papers, Atlanta, GA, 2005

"Beyond the Leisure Principle", Miser & Now, issue 4, London, 2005

"Laibach: Anthems", Plan B, London: 2004

"Final Countdown: Truimph of the List", in Strategies Against Marketecture, London, 2004 (also editors)

"Should Artists Struggle?", Pilot:1, London: Doubleplusgood, 2004

"Bloodnation /Fleshland", Grey Goo, London: Flaca, 2004

"Plastic Surgery", Miser & Now, issue 3, London, 2004

"The Future is Here", Miser & Now, issue 2, London, 2004

"Chicks on speed in Israel", Chicks on Speed: It’s a Project!, London: Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2004

"Death of the Teenager 2: Terrorteens, Suburban Dreams", unpublished, 2003

"Xex", Celeste Magazine, Mexico City, 2003

"Henry Darger", 42 Maalot, Tel Aviv, 2002

"Fear of a Black and White Planet", Wonderyears, Berlin: NGBK, 2003

"The Death of the Teenager", in: Carbona, Tel Aviv, 2002 (also editors)

"Diner Slang and Street Gospel an interview with JT LeRoy", Comet Magazine, issue 3, San Francisco, 2002