
2007 2013 Goldsmiths College, PhD. in Art, London.
2002 – 2003 Central Saint Martins College, Post Graduate Diploma in Communication Design, London.
2000 – 2001 Goldsmiths College, MA Fine Art, London.
1999 – 2000 Camera Obscura Art School’s New Seminar for Theory, Criticism and Visual Culture, Tel-Aviv.
1995 – 1998 BA studies in English Literature and History, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Solo Exhibitions

2023 Fossils, Pastor Projects, Tecate, Mexico.
2019 (In)Visible Propaganda, Hospitale Project, Tottori, Japan.
2018 Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will
, Centre Clark, Montreal.
2017 The Immigrants, Naughton Gallery, Belfast.
2016 Progress Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will, Pump House Gallery, London.
2013 Suck the Living Labour, Ort Gallery, Birmingham.
        Terminal Equilibrium, Trade Gallery, Nottingham.
2011 Videos of Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Ishmael Bernal Gallery, Manila.
2010 Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Te Tuhi Centre for the Arts, Manukau City, New Zealand.
2009 Svetlana, Tatty Devine, London.
2008 Svetlana, S1 Artspace, Sheffield.
         The Future So Far, Grey Area, Brighton.
The Future for Less, Gallery for One, Dublin.
         Asparagus: A Horticultural Ballet, The Showroom, London.
2006 I Have a Dream, UCE, Bourneville.
2002 Living in Magazines, Camera Obscura Gallery, Tel Aviv.

Selected Performances

2022 United Dead Labour, Stanley Theatre, Liverpool Guild, as part of Art of Management & Organization, Liverpool.
2012 - 2016 Terminal: A Miracle Play with Popular Music from the End of the World at HKD, part of From Below as a Neighbour, curated by Electra for Mine, Yours, Ours - Practical Utopias, Drugo More, Rijeka, Rio Cinema, London, Experimentica 13, Chapter Gallery, Cardiff and The Nines, London with The Performance Studio.
2014 I-O, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
2013 A Guide to Office Clerical Time Standards, Le Meridien/Outset/Frieze, London and Agora, the 4th Athens Biennial, Athens.
2011 Epic Sea Battle at Night, This is Not a Performance or a Lecture, RADAR Loughborough and Future Orientation part of Again, A Time Machine at The Showroom, London.
2010 - ongoing WE, Kunsthall Oslo, Oslo and The Royal Standard, part of the Liverpool Biennale and ICA, London..
         Critical Mass, Arnolfini, Bristol, part of Theatre to Address.

2009 Performative Construction of a Future monument for the Dialectic Negation of a Post-Catastrophic Society at The Herzliya Biennial, Herzliya.
         Critical Mass, Tate Britain, London, part of Late at Tate.
2008 Food: A Sci-Fi Banquet, Royal Academy of the Arts, London, part of Event Horizon at GSK Contemporary.
         Better Future, Quad-Shaped at Cubitt, London as part of Seven Times Two or Three.          
         The Sensible Stage, Cube Microplex, Bristol.
         No Haus Like Bau at the HAU, Mes Nuits, Berlin Biennale, Berlin.
2007 Asparagus: A Horticultural Ballet at Conway Hall, London and Biennale de Montreal, SAT, Montreal.         

Curatorial Projects

2018 - 2020 EuroNoize
2015 Talk, So I Can See You, Bosse & Baum, London.
2013 - 2014 Radical Conservatism, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester.
2012 File Transfer Protocol, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa.
2011 - 2020 xero, kline & coma, London.
2008 The Institute of Psychoplasmics, Pump House Gallery, London.
2006 Modern Lovers, Three Colts Gallery, London.
2005 Turn to the Left, 291 Gallery, London

2004 DaDaDa: Strategies against Marketecture at temporarycontemporary gallery, London.
2002 Carbona, Plonit Gallery, Tel-Aviv.
         Atari Teenage Riot, Hazira Performance.Art, Jerusalem.
2000 Indiscotica, the Heinrich Böll foundation Gallery, Tel Aviv.
         Trash, Hazira Performance.Art, Jerusalem.

Selected Group Exhibitions

2023 Elks in the Rear Window, AiR, Meridian Water, London.
2022 Do They Owe Us a Living?,
The Royal Standard, Liverpool.
2019 Snow Crash, IMT Gallery, London.
2017 Material Conjectures present Diagonal Diagram of Dispersed Documents, Art Lacuna, London
        Medieval-City One, Two Queens, Leicester.
        There Will Be Nothing Left to Suck, Bank Space Gallery, London
2016 I Won't Do What You Tell Me, Kunst Vardo, Ram Gallery, Oslo.
        Open Studio: A Conversation on Drawing, RHA Studios, Dublin
        Gettin’ the Heart Ready, The Royal Standard, Liverpool.
        Closer to the Veg, Fitzroy Park Allotment, London.
Symphony of Hunger, A plus A Gallery and The School for Curatorial Studies, Venice
          Office Space: The Modern Workplace Disrupted, YBCA, San Francisco
          Kontratω: For It Had Turned to Gold in His Hand, metamatic: taf, Athens.
          The Ritual Box, La Rambleta, Valencia
        Business As Usual, Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun, Leeds
Tan Like That, London
Mirrorcity, Hayward Gallery, London.
          Suchroutinen (Search Routines: Tales of Databases), D21 Artspace Kunstraum Leipzig, Leipzig.
          FOAM, Project/Number and AND/OR, London.
          Vulcan Point, Embassy Gallery, Edinburgh
2013 After/Hours/Drop/Box, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford
        The Ambivalent Funeral Procession: Israeli State Artists, KC Tobacna 001, Ljublijana
        Giving Form to the Impatience of Liberty, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
(Im)Material Labour, Art Exchange, Colchester
A3 Works, A3 Project Space, Birmingham
Strange Loop, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
        Verging on the Absurd, Contemporary Art Society, London.
012 Urbicide, Workshop, Venice
        Poster Production, Portman Gallery, London
        Red, White And Blue: Pop/Punk/Politics/Place, Chelsea Space, London
        AFTER/HOURS/DROP/BOX, Andor Gallery, London
        Colloquial, Schau Fenster, Berlin.
        Plastique Fantastique: THERE IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN ANYTHING TO UNDERSTAND!, ASC Gallery, London
        Gradient Change, MoCA, London.
        Cultivation Field, The Keep, Reading.
        There Was A Country Where They Were All Thieves, Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, Amsterdam.
        Out of Sth, Awangarda Gallery, Wroclaw.
        Glamourie, Project Space Leeds, Leeds.
2011 All I Can See is the Management, Gasworks, London.
        Cross Counter, XYZ Collective and Capsule, Tokyo.
        The Long Avant Garde, Cartel, London.
        Utopia Limited., Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford and Highlanes Municipal Art Gallery, Drogheda.
        Dry Grass and Shadows, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast.
2010 Hierarchies of Alliegiance,The Royal Standard, Liverpool.
        Kirkcarrion, The Market Gallery, London.
        Bureaucracy Now!, Parlour, San Francisco.
        Happy End, Basement Projects at Yinka Shonibare's Space, London.
        Testbed 1, Beaconsfield Gallery, London.
        Use & Mention,Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London.
2009 Apocatopia, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester
        Stonehenge Riverside: The Ventral Surface, The Oliver Holt Gallery, Sherborne.
        The Eagle Document: The New Collection of Enumerated Things, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, London.
        Star Maker, E:vent Gallery, London.
        Roll It to Me, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh.
        Ventriloquist, Timothy Taylor, London.
2008 Art and the New Town, Harlow Temple of Utopias, Harlow.
        Futureblueperfect, Cafe Gallery Projects, London.
        Economic Thought Projects, Ard Bia, Berlin.
2007 Emergency3, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.
        Magical Thinking, Elevator Gallery, London.
        A Lot Ment, Portsmouth.
        Foreign Bodies, White Box, New York.
        I Can't Live Without..., The Showroom, London.
        Take Over, Pump House Gallery, London.
2006 Objects in Waiting, End Gallery, Sheffield.
        Zoo Art Fair, London.
        The Researchers, Concourse Gallery, Byam Shaw School of Art, London.
        Slider, Cell Project Space, London
        Metropolis Rise, Moganshan Art Village, Shanghai + DIAF 06, 798 Space, Beijing.
        His life is full of miracles... Animation Videotheque, Site Gallery, Sheffield.
        Little Private Governments, University of Essex Gallery, Colchester.
2005 Kiosk XII - Modes of Multiplication: "Printing Matters!", ICA, London.
        Will Have Done, Mill Workers Gallery, Manchester.
        Netopticon, Observatori festival, Valencia.
        SVO5, Studio Voltaire, London.
        Diamonds For Workers, Kate MacGarry, London.
        Drawing the Lines: Contemporary Israeli Artists in London, West London Synagogue, London.

        Fleamarket II , temporarycontemporary, London.
After Hiroshima: Nuclear Imaginaries, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

2004 Phantasmagoria, Castlefield Gallery, Manchester.
        Grey Goo, Flaca Gallery, London.
        Zoo Art Fair, London.
        Fleamarket, temporarycontemporary, London.
        Critical Home Video, Latitude 53, Alberta.
        Surrealestate, YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto.
        Centrefold Scrapbook, Redux Gallery, London.
        Motorcity, 27 Spital Square, London.
2003 Nth Art at Ols and Co. Gallery, London.
        Becks Futures Student Film and Video Award Show at the ICA, London.
        Wonderyears, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien and NGBK galleries, Berlin.
2002 Critical Home Video, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Art Museum, New Plymouth, New Zealand.
        Critical Home Video, Artspace, Ontario.
        Kontakte: Keep on Livin', Neon Gallery, London.
2001 Critical Video Lounge at City Art Gallery, York.


2018 Fusion, Rising Sun Arts Centre, Reading
Queering the Exhibtion, Oncurating Project Space, Zurich
2017 The Incredible Simultaneity Console VIII, Close Up, London
        Spoil Heap, Wiltshire Museum, Devizes
2016 Pil and Galia Kollectiv: The Plague and Its Segmentations and Other Works, Close Up, London
        Artists' Film Screening: Patrick Goddard | Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Goldsmiths College, London
2015 HH Vortex, The Horse Hospital, London
        A Leap of Faith, St. Laurence Church, London
        Once More with Feeling(s): Artist's performance and video, focusing on cover versions, Lewisham Art House, London.
2014 Invisible Fabrick: A Vessel for Action, The Minories Galleries, Colchester.
        La négation du travail speculative, Cineama La Clef, Paris
        Filmarmalade presents Pil and Galia Kollectiv, IMT Gallery, London
2013 Totally Devoted, TAP, Southend
        Duckrabbit, CGP, London
        Flatness: Cinema after the Internet, 60th International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen
        Time Is Love, Mori + Stein Gallery, London, Sazmanab, Tehran, Peanut Underground, New York, Kulter Gallery, Amsterdam and Contemoprary Hotel Bloom, Brussels.
2012 Open File: Hashfail, Grand Union, Birmingham
        Hackney Wicked, Sugarhouse Studios, London
        Torque, Willow Art Gallery, Oswestry.
2011 N/V Projects: Video Art Selected by Cedar Lewisohn, Peckham Artists Moving Image, London.
        New Tate Film commissions, Bold Tendencies, London
        Benedictions, Limoncello, London
2010 If Only..!, The Bluecoat, Liverpool.
        Signal & Noise Media Art Festival,Vivo, Vancouver.
        FILM/VIDEO/PERFORMANCE, Wimbledon space, London.
2009 Greetings comrades, the image has now changed its status*, THE MAB FILM EXERCISE, Arnolfini, Bristol.
        Performance Fictions, Electric Cinema, Birmingham.
        Gracelands 2009, Mimetic House, Dromahair, Co.Leitrim.
        Make Shift, Fringe Fusina, Venice.
        Greetings comrades, the image has now changed its status*, Ocular Lab Inc., West Brunswick.
        The Israeli Video Art and Experimental Cinema Competition 2009, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem.
        Vision/Division, Czarna Galleria, Warsaw.
2008 The Open Eye Club presents ‘The Human Arc’, Tramway, Glasgow.
        Artists’ Film, Dance, Music & Theatricality, CCA, Glasgow.
        Zero de Conduite, Elevator Gallery, London.
        Iceberg Enters Obelisk, Whitechapel Gallery, London.        
        A Staged Dissent, Life Is Interesting...When You're Furious, University of Loughborough, Loughborough   
        Damn! I wish I'd done that. Artists' works I wish I'd made..., 176 Project Space and Chapter, London and Cardiff.
        The Sensible Stage, Whitechapel Gallery, London.
2007 Enso-Darklight Open Air Experimental Cinema, Galway Arts Festival, Galway.
2006 Videoclub: 4, Phoenix Gallery, Brighton.
2005 Post, The Residence, London.
        A-Side. Side Cinema, Newcastle.
        FOREIGN MATTER: U.K., Antimatter Underground Film Festival, Victoria, BC.
        Sala de Imprensa, Itau Cultural, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
        Purescreen, Catalyst Arts, Belfast.
        Artificial Life, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.
        Slack Video, The Lamp, Hull.
        The Slow Ones, Spitz, London.
        S1/Salon: Eurhythmy, S1 Artspace, Sheffield.
2004 Hidden Camera, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth.
2003 Whitechapel Gallery film program, part of the Mies Van Der Rohe exhibition.
2002 1st Videozone Biennial, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
        Stardust Deluxe, Lisa Lounge, Berlin.
2001 9th Biennale de l’image en Mouvement, Geneva.